shell bypass 403
// Load is used to ensure all images have been loaded, impossible with document $(window).load(function () { var gutter = parseInt(jQuery('.post').css('marginBottom')); var container = jQuery('#posts'); container.masonry({ gutter: gutter, itemSelector: '.post', columnWidth: '.post' }); jQuery(window).bind('resize', function () { if (!jQuery('#posts').parent().hasClass('container')) { post_width = jQuery('.post').width() + gutter; jQuery('#posts, body > #grid').css('width', 'auto'); posts_per_row = jQuery('#posts').innerWidth() / post_width; floor_posts_width = (Math.floor(posts_per_row) * post_width) - gutter; ceil_posts_width = (Math.ceil(posts_per_row) * post_width) - gutter; posts_width = (ceil_posts_width > jQuery('#posts').innerWidth()) ? floor_posts_width : ceil_posts_width; if (posts_width == jQuery('.post').width()) { posts_width = '100%'; } jQuery('#posts, #grid').css('width', posts_width); jQuery('#grid').css({'margin': '0 auto'}); } }).trigger('resize'); });